This Portfolio Website is a simple, responsive digital portfolio built using ReactJS. It uses a unique bento-grid layout to showcase your details.
- Responsive Design: The layout is adaptable for all screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop).
- Interactive UI: Uses animations, hover effects, and smooth scrolling to improve user interaction.
- Skills Showcase: You can showcase domain wise skillset.
- Projects Section: A detailed display of personal or professional projects with links for more information.
- Contact Form: A working contact form for potential clients or collaborators to reach out.
- Social Media Links: Links to various social media profiles.
Technologies Used
This portfolio website is build using ReactJS, along with tailwindCSS and lucide-react icons.
- About Me: A brief overview of my background, interests, and what I do.
- Skills: A section to showcase my technical skills and tools I'm proficient in.
- Projects: A carousel of projects with screenshots, descriptions, and links to their GitHub repositories or live demos.
- Contact: A contact form and social media links to reach out directly.
- Education: A brief overview of educational qualifications.
Setup and Usage
To run the portfolio website locally, follow these steps:
- Select the Portfolio-Website Template:
Select the following from the menu:
- install dependencies:
Navigate to your project directory and run
- run:
- Access the Portfolio-Website
your browser and navigate to
Made using Universal-Box