

This Portfolio Website is a simple, responsive digital portfolio built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It allows individuals to showcase their skills, experience, and projects in a professional manner.


  • Responsive Design: The layout is adaptable for all screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop).
  • Interactive UI: Uses animations, hover effects, and smooth scrolling to improve user interaction.
  • Skills Showcase: Displays skill levels using progress bars or icons.
  • Projects Section: A detailed display of personal or professional projects with links for more information.
  • Contact Form: A working contact form for potential clients or collaborators to reach out.
  • Social Media Links: Links to various social media profiles.
  • Testimonials (Optional): Showcase feedback or reviews from clients or colleagues.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: Structure of the web pages.
  • CSS: Styling and layout, including responsive design.
  • JavaScript: Adds interactivity and dynamic features to the site.



Installation Steps

To utilize the Portfolio-Website Template with Universal-Box, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the project:
    universal-box init
  2. Select the Portfolio-Website Template: Select the following from the menu:
     Portfolio-Websites > HTML-CSS > v2
  3. Run: Navigate to your project directory and run using LiveServer at index.html
  4. Access the Portfolio-Website your browser and navigate to

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