

The Flask + SQLite Authentication System is a simple yet effective authentication solution built using Flask and SQLite. This template is designed to facilitate user registration, login, and session management, making it suitable for small projects or as a foundation for more complex systems.


  • User Registration: Allows new users to register with a unique username and password.
  • User Login: Authenticates users with their username and password.
  • Dashboard: Displays a personalized dashboard after successful login.
  • Session Management: Utilizes Flask sessions to manage user login states.
  • User Logout: Allows users to log out and clear their session.

Technologies Used

  • Flask: A lightweight WSGI web application framework in Python.
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy: Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask applications for interacting with the SQLite database.
  • SQLite: A lightweight, disk-based database that doesn’t require a separate server process.

Installation Steps

To set up the Flask + SQLite Authentication System with Universal-Box, follow these steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it:
    python3 -m venv venv
    ./venv/Scripts/activate  # Use `venv\Scripts\activate` on Windows
  2. Install the required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the application:
    flask run
  4. Access the application: Open your browser and navigate to to access the login page.

Routes and Functionalities

User Registration

  • /register GET, POST:
    • GET: Renders the registration page where new users can sign up.
    • POST: Handles form submissions for user registration. If the username is already taken, it flashes an error message; otherwise, it creates a new user and redirects to the login page with a success message.

User Login

  • /login GET, POST:
    • GET: Renders the login page where users can log in with their credentials.
    • POST: Handles login form submissions. If credentials are correct, it logs the user in by storing their user ID in the session and redirects to the dashboard; if incorrect, it flashes an error message.

Dashboard Access

  • /dashboard GET:
    • Displays the dashboard page if the user is logged in; otherwise redirects to the login page.

User Logout

  • /logout GET:
    • Logs the user out by clearing their session and redirects them to the homepage.


  • / GET:
    • Renders the main homepage of the application.

Flash Messages

The application uses flash messages to communicate various events to users:

  • Registration Success: "Registration successful. Please log in."
  • Registration Error: "Username already exists. Please choose a different one."
  • Login Error: "Invalid username or password. Please try again."


Database Structure

The application uses SQLite for storing user information. The database file is named database.db and is automatically created when the application is first run. The User model contains the following fields:

idIntegerPrimary key
usernameStringUnique, cannot be null
passwordStringCannot be null

This template was developed using Universal-Box.