

The Flask + MongoDB Authentication System is a streamlined authentication solution crafted using Flask and MongoDB. This template is designed to facilitate user registration, login, and session management, making it an ideal starting point for developers looking to implement authentication in their applications.


  • User Registration: Enables new users to register with unique credentials.
  • User Login: Authenticates users via username and password.
  • Dashboard: Provides a personalized dashboard accessible post-login.
  • Session Management: Utilizes Flask's session handling for managing user states.
  • User Logout: Allows users to log out, effectively clearing their session.

Technologies Used

  • Flask: A lightweight WSGI web application framework for Python.
  • Flask-PyMongo: A Flask extension that simplifies MongoDB integration.
  • MongoDB: A flexible NoSQL database known for its scalability.

Installation Steps

To set up the Flask + MongoDB Authentication System with Universal-Box, follow these steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it:
    python3 -m venv venv
    ./venv/Scripts/activate  # Use `venv\Scripts\activate` on Windows
  2. Install the required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Ensure MongoDB is running: Confirm that your MongoDB server is operational locally or accessible remotely
    # Start Mongo Compass and connect to the local database if on Windows
    # Start MongoDB -- MacOS/Linux
    sudo systemctl start mongod
    # Check MongoDB Status
    sudo systemctl status mongod
  4. Set up the environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:
  5. Run the Flask application: Start the Flask server with:
    flask run
  6. Access the application: Open your browser and navigate to to access the login page.

Routes and Functionalities

User Registration

  • /register GET, POST:
    • GET: Renders the registration form.
    • POST: Processes registration submissions, checks for existing usernames, and creates new user entries.

User Login

  • /login GET, POST:
    • GET: Displays the login form.
    • POST: Validates user credentials and manages session creation.

Dashboard Access

  • /dashboard GET:
    • Displays the user dashboard if logged in; otherwise redirects to the login page.

User Logout

  • /logout GET:
    • Clears the user session and redirects to the homepage.


  • / GET:
    • Renders the main homepage of the application.

Flash Messages

The application utilizes flash messages to inform users about various events:

  • Registration Success: "Registration successful. Please log in."
  • Registration Error: "Username already exists. Please choose a different one."
  • Login Error: "Invalid username or password. Please try again."



Database Structure

The application employs MongoDB for user data storage, specifically within a users collection that includes:

_idObjectIdUnique identifier for each user
usernameStringUnique username for each user
passwordStringHashed password for security

This template was developed using Universal-Box.