

The Flask + MySQL Authentication System is a simple yet effective authentication solution built using Flask and MySQL. This template is designed to facilitate user registration, login, and session management, making it suitable for small projects or as a foundation for more complex systems.


  • User Registration: Allows new users to register with a unique username and password.
  • User Login: Authenticates users with their username and password.
  • Dashboard: Displays a personalized dashboard after successful login.
  • Session Management: Utilizes Flask sessions to manage user login states.
  • User Logout: Allows users to log out and clear their session.

Technologies Used

  • Flask: A lightweight WSGI web application framework in Python.
  • Flask-MySQLdb: A Flask extension that simplifies using MySQL with Flask applications.
  • MySQL: A popular relational database management system.

Installation Steps

To set up the Flask + MySQL Authentication System with Universal-Box, follow these steps:

  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it:
    python3 -m venv venv
    ./venv/Scripts/activate  # Use `venv\Scripts\activate` on Windows
  2. Install the required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Ensure MySQL is running:
  • For Mac/Linux:
    sudo systemctl start mysql
    # Check MySQL Status
    sudo systemctl status mysql
  • For Windows:
    • Open the MySQL Workbench or XAMPP Control Panel.
    • Start the MySQL server by clicking on the "Start" button next to MySQL in XAMPP or connecting through Workbench.
    1. Set up the MySQL database:
    • Create a new MySQL database.
    • Update the app.config['MYSQL_DB'] with your database name in app.py.
    • Update the MySQL connection parameters (username, password, host) in the configuration.
  1. Run the application: Start the Flask server with:
    python app.py
  2. Access the application: Open your browser and navigate to



Routes and Functionalities

User Registration

  • /register GET, POST:
    • GET: Renders the registration page where new users can sign up.
    • POST: Handles form submissions for user registration. If the username is already taken, it flashes an error message; otherwise, it creates a new user and redirects to the login page with a success message.

User Login

  • /login GET, POST:
    • GET: Displays the login page where users can log in with their credentials.
    • POST: Handles login form submissions. If credentials are correct, it logs the user in by storing their user ID in the session and redirects to the dashboard; if incorrect, it flashes an error message.

Dashboard Access

  • /dashboard GET:
    • Displays the dashboard page if the user is logged in; otherwise redirects to the login page.

User Logout

  • /logout GET:
    • Logs the user out by clearing their session and redirects them to the homepage.


  • / GET:
    • Renders the main homepage of the application.

    Flash Messages

    The application uses flash messages to communicate various events to users:
    • Registration Success: "Registration successful. Please log in."
    • Registration Error: "Username already exists. Please choose a different one."
    • Login Error: "Invalid username or password. Please try again."


    Database Structure

    The application uses MySQL for storing user information within a users table that includes:
    idIntegerPrimary key, auto-increment
    usernameStringUnique username for each user
    passwordStringHashed password for security

    This template was developed using Universal-Box.